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Bottom-up Bailouts instead of Top-down

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We need more proposals like Tom Evslin's suggesting that a better way to help the auto makers is to have the US govt. replace their fleet:

The US government should order a complete replacement for its vehicle fleet to be delivered over the next four years. The new vehicles must be either plugin electric hybrid, pure electric, or possibly natural gas. Obviously retooling both at the manufacturers and suppliers is required to deliver this order so the government should be willing to prepay a significant part of it as it does for new weapons systems. That gets money into the system fast and creates/saves jobs almost immediately.

We need more of these bottom-up ideas. We need them to get more support and coverage in the press and media.

Our congresspeople ignored us and went ahead and voted for the bailout even in the middle of an election, but they have to keep hearing from us on these things. Write to them and suggest that they work on more Bottom-up solutions instead of dropping money at the top.
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