You dislike Hillary. You're not alone. I get it. But if you really hate Hillary, you need to hate Trump even more.
He stole your nomination and now he's giving the election to Hillary. Think about it.
If I was a strong Hillary supporter, I suppose I should say "Thank you." Because there probably isn't another person on the planet that could make people that were otherwise against Hillary, vote for her. For Trump's part, there probably isn't another democratic candidate either that would have enabled Trump to actually be a remotely viable candidate, to say nothing of actually leading in legitimate polls at one point.
Only Hillary could pull that off.
But now, his time has past. He's not going to win. Did he ever even want to win? I don't think so, but that's a conversation for another day. Either way, he is the best thing that could have happened to Hillary. If you hate Hillary, you should hate him even more for that.
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